miércoles, 7 de junio de 2017

Module 4, session 5

Session 5, M4

Group # 5
The effects of Physical enviroment in the classroom on basic English students.

It is so important take into account the physical enviroment in wich students are learning.
there are some negative effects that are affecting the learning of students, for example

The physical structure of a classroom is a critical variable in affecting student morale and learning.

The psychological environment in the classroom is how students feel about their learning. The use of space includes how furniture is arranged and organized, how materials are stored and maintained, how clean the classroom is and the overall color and brightness. So we have to be very carefull with the enviroment of our classroom. 

Group #6
Learning effects of class size in an EFL Setting. 

Large class-size is a great challenge to achieving success in the teaching and learning of English Language, as teachers could hardly prove their efficacy in classes thereby resulting to poor output from students.

Challenges to teaching in large classes:

➤Lack of flexibility in class activities: difficulty in varying activities, in doing group work, in enhancing critical thinking and writing skill.

It's difficult to keep good discipline going in a large class.

➤Perceived anonymity of the students: difficulty of learning names, of taking attendance, of getting students to come to class, of getting students to participate.

➤It can reduce the material the teacher can cover.


Joe Ruhl´s methodology

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