martes, 6 de junio de 2017

Module 4. session 4

Session 4

Group #3
 What are the effects of using a virtual classroom in a regular face to face English class?

Traditional classroom teaching methodologies are well-tested, and the environment most of us grew up in, but they have some major limitations. Virtual classrooms, on the other hand, are new and high tech. Yet they’re also pretty experimental.


Classes can be technology-driven and learner-centric, with the teacher as a facilitator. Teachers have better teaching tools to effectively engage learners. Virtual classrooms allow students more freedom to create, experiment, explore and steer the class. This freedom can produce improved student performance.

  • Traditional teaching tools are used, such as lecture notes, charts, blackboard writing, showing physical models, laboratory experiments, etc

  • Modern teaching tools are used, such as multimedia, animation, recording, virtual, etc.

Group # 4

The lack of confidence in the speaking language a study with students of the English major from Universidad Tecnológica

Spoken language production is often considered one of the most difficult aspects of language
In reality, many language learners find it difficult to express

themselves in spoken language in the target language. Each student has their own problems such as 
Communicative competence, speaking performance, or speaking problems

However, not all language learners after many years studying English can

communicate fluently and accurately because they lack necessary knowledge.

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