viernes, 9 de junio de 2017

Module 4, session 6

last session

Group # 7 
How does violence in El Salvador affect teachers from the school of languages regarding classroom management at Universidad Tecnológica de El Salvador?

It is no secret that the wave of violence in El Salvador is also affecting teachers and students who are victims of extortion, assault and murder.
Violence affects the learning process of students,It has serious consequences in their personal lives and disturbs the social development of the country.

In some schools of our country there have been cases where teachers are extorted by gang members: either they have to pay a certain amount of money or are killed.
This type of problem occurs frequently, especially in schools located in rural areas. 

As a result of this,Teachers better choose to request a transfer to a new institution, or worse, they have to pay a certain amount of money for not to be killed. The worst of the case is that sometimes the same students are who extort their teachers.

This is an important video where we can realize of the actions of gangs and how it is affecting the educational community, especially teachers and students.

Teaching Methods for Inspiring the Students of the Future | Joe Ruhl 

Didactic Sequence

The concept of the didactic sequence has been largely studied as a theoretical and methodological procedure for language teaching and learning, since it focuses on the work of oral and written texts in a genre-based perspective. This text has the aim of extending this concept, taking into account its dialectic nature. To do so, the article reviews the definition, theoretical choices, characteristics, and modular structure of a didactic sequence, comparing this procedure to the concept of a dialectic methodology of knowledge construction in the classroom, and presents a brief analysis of a didactic sequence plan.

miércoles, 7 de junio de 2017

Module 4, session 5

Session 5, M4

Group # 5
The effects of Physical enviroment in the classroom on basic English students.

It is so important take into account the physical enviroment in wich students are learning.
there are some negative effects that are affecting the learning of students, for example

The physical structure of a classroom is a critical variable in affecting student morale and learning.

The psychological environment in the classroom is how students feel about their learning. The use of space includes how furniture is arranged and organized, how materials are stored and maintained, how clean the classroom is and the overall color and brightness. So we have to be very carefull with the enviroment of our classroom. 

Group #6
Learning effects of class size in an EFL Setting. 

Large class-size is a great challenge to achieving success in the teaching and learning of English Language, as teachers could hardly prove their efficacy in classes thereby resulting to poor output from students.

Challenges to teaching in large classes:

➤Lack of flexibility in class activities: difficulty in varying activities, in doing group work, in enhancing critical thinking and writing skill.

It's difficult to keep good discipline going in a large class.

➤Perceived anonymity of the students: difficulty of learning names, of taking attendance, of getting students to come to class, of getting students to participate.

➤It can reduce the material the teacher can cover.


Joe Ruhl´s methodology

martes, 6 de junio de 2017

Module 4. session 4

Session 4

Group #3
 What are the effects of using a virtual classroom in a regular face to face English class?

Traditional classroom teaching methodologies are well-tested, and the environment most of us grew up in, but they have some major limitations. Virtual classrooms, on the other hand, are new and high tech. Yet they’re also pretty experimental.


Classes can be technology-driven and learner-centric, with the teacher as a facilitator. Teachers have better teaching tools to effectively engage learners. Virtual classrooms allow students more freedom to create, experiment, explore and steer the class. This freedom can produce improved student performance.

  • Traditional teaching tools are used, such as lecture notes, charts, blackboard writing, showing physical models, laboratory experiments, etc

  • Modern teaching tools are used, such as multimedia, animation, recording, virtual, etc.

Group # 4

The lack of confidence in the speaking language a study with students of the English major from Universidad Tecnológica

Spoken language production is often considered one of the most difficult aspects of language
In reality, many language learners find it difficult to express

themselves in spoken language in the target language. Each student has their own problems such as 
Communicative competence, speaking performance, or speaking problems

However, not all language learners after many years studying English can

communicate fluently and accurately because they lack necessary knowledge.

domingo, 4 de junio de 2017

Module 4


Task Analysis is a technique to identify sequential steps to perform a job or to reach a goal.

When to Perform a Task Analysis
It’s important to perform a task analysis early in your process, in particular prior to design work.  Task analysis helps support several other aspects of the user-centered design process, including:

➤Website requirements gathering
➤Developing your content strategy and site structure
➤Wireframing and Prototyping
➤Performing usability testing

The task analysis process consists of five distinct functions:

➤Classifying tasks according to learning outcomes –
➤Inventorying tasks – identifying tasks or generating a list of tasks
➤Selecting tasks – prioritizing tasks and choosing those that are more feasible and appropriate if there is an abundance of tasks to train.
➤Decomposing tasks – identifying and describing the components of the tasks, goals, or objectives.
➤Sequencing tasks and sub-tasks – defining the sequence in which instruction should occur that will best facilitate learning.