viernes, 21 de julio de 2017

Module 5, Session 6

M5, Session 6

Last Session of the Module 5 

G7 and G8

We appreciate the last presentation of our classmates.

They did a good job, the presentation and activities were well developed.

➤Real Listening is an active process

Beyond communicative approach

What is Beyond the Communicative Approach to Language Teaching.

➧Language is a means of communication.

➧The communicative approach seeks to make meaningful communication and language use a focus all classroom activities. 

The method came as a reaction against te grammar-based aproaches such as the audiolingual method and grammar translation methods of foreing language instruction that ignored that the goal of language learning is COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE.

The Role of Listening in Language Acquisition; the Challenges & Strategies in Teaching Listening
The Role of Listening in Language Acquisition; the
Challenges & Strategies in Teaching Listening
The Role of Listening in Language Acquisition; the
Challenges & Strategies in Teaching Listening

The listening process is often described from an information processing perspective as “an active process in which listeners select and interpret information that comes from auditory and visual clues in order to define what is going on and what the speakers are trying to express.
The major listening problems as follows:

➤lack of control over the speed at which speakers speak ,
➤not being able to get things repeated,
➤the listener’s limited vocabulary,
➤failure to recognize the “signals,”
➤problems of interpretation,
➤inability to concentrate, and
➤established learning habits.

But fortunately there are strategies to teach your students listening comprehension.

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