viernes, 28 de abril de 2017

Session 6

Session 6 

The last session of the module 2 

Group Presentations ✌

Group #5 
Five E

It is an instructional model based on the constructivist approach to learning, which says that learners build or construct new ideas on top of their old ideas.

Remember that Five E' can be used with students of all ages

馃憠Constructivism is a learning strategy that draws on students' existing knowledge, beliefs, and skills. With a constructivist approach, students synthesize new understanding from prior learning and new information.

Group  #6 
Lexical Approach

In language teaching, a set of principles based on the observation that an understanding of words and word combinations (chunks) is the primary method of learning a language.

Group #7 
Task Based Instruction (TBI) 
Task-based instruction aims to provide learners with a natural context for language use.

Group # 8
Content Based Instruction (CBI)

What are some advantages of content-based instruction?
for example;

It can make learning a language more interesting and motivating. 

CBI is very popular among EAP (English for Academic Purposes) teachers as it helps students to develop valuable study skills such as note taking, summarising and extracting key information from texts.

CBI is built on the principles of communicative language teaching.

martes, 25 de abril de 2017

Session 5

Session 5 

Group Presentations:馃摌⌚馃挰

Group #1
Presentacion, Practice, and Production

The PPP is a successful one and is widely used throughout the world by many English as a Foreign Language (EFL) and English as a Second Language (ESL) teachers. Every PPP lesson has a language aim, which students should fulfill by the end of it.

The PPP is a method that is widely used in teaching simple language at a Lower levels.

Group # 2
Engage-Study-Activate (ESA)

Engage-Study and Activate are elements which are present in a language classroom to help students to learn effectively.

Engage. This is the point in a teaching sequence where teachers try to  
arouse the students interest, thus involving their emotions. 

Study. Study activities are those where the students are asked to focus in on language
(or information) and how it is constructed

Activate. This element describes exercises and activities which are designed to get the students using language as freely and communicatively as they can.

Group # 3
Situational language teaching

This Methos is focus in speaking ability 

➤Language learning is habit-formation 
➤Should be avoided mistakes 
➤Presented orally first then in written form

➤Learners➤Teacher ➤Material

Group # 4
Observe-Hypothesize-Experiment OHE

 Regarding OHE method, can be described as follows:

 In the observe stage, students are presented with oral or written input and, with directions of a teacher.

 In the hypothesis stage, the learners compose a hypothesis about the principles based on the perceived linguistic behavior.

 In Experiment stage, learners test their theories in a communicative context. 

viernes, 7 de abril de 2017

Session 4

Session 4 

Time to read :) 馃槈馃槈馃槈

Foundation of the Methodology 

What are some of the more popular second language teaching methods of the last half century?

So we have; 
The Direct Method
Audio-lingual aproach
Communicative language teaching (CLT)
Community Language Learning
Total Physical Response (TPR)
Community Language Learning

Classroom Activity: The Research Questions

In this session we were discussing about some questions related to Types of Research 

⇒Qualitative research is designed to reveal a target audience’s range of behavior and the perceptions that drive it with reference to specific topics or issues. Also The results of qualitative research are descriptive 

⇒Quantitative research is “explaining phenomena by collecting numerical data that are analysed using mathematically based methods (in particular statistics).”

jueves, 6 de abril de 2017

session 3

Session 3

In this session we made a discussion about the article "Working with the competences" 

The teacher explained the statement of the problem Chapter 1. The Nature of research.
Students made a group discussion and then, they answered some questions. 

Solving these questions, it was necessary to use Bloom's taxonomy

Route of Learning 

Bloom level of cognitive Domain. 
What is expected in the ESL/EFL classroom in that students complete the tasks and at the same time produce something new as a result of their own learning.

mi茅rcoles, 5 de abril de 2017

Session 2

Session 2 

In this session we socialized and discussed our expectations about the pre-specialization topic.

The teacher explained a little bit about students needs, and how is going to be develop the module 2.

Competency based on Educational Model 

Competency based on Educational Model 

Competency-based education is different from traditional education in that it breaks from the credit hour, today’s prevailing measure of student progress.

Competency-based education turns the traditional model on its head. Instead of awarding credits based on how much time students spend learning, this model awards credits based on whether students can prove they have mastered competencies—the skills, abilities, and knowledge required in an area of study.

To put it simply: In competency-based education, it’s not about time—it’s about what you know and are able to do.

Resultado de imagen para What is Competency based on educational model?

Then the Teacher showed a short video about competency based Instruction, then we discussed about the video.

 Competency Based Instruction

Jack C. Richards on Competency Based Instruction

The teacher gave an access code to enter the course "schoology"
In this course we have to participate, comment videos, see the new documents about the pre specialization and others. 

Then the teacher explained an example about the research project, he explained about how the project it's going to be developed.

martes, 4 de abril de 2017

Session 1

Session 1

In this section we began to discuss about our expectations about module 2

Let's star 

What is a competency?

A competency is the capability to apply or use a set of related knowledge, skills, and
abilities required to successfully perform "critical work functions" or tasks in a defined work setting. 

What are the componets of a competency? 

Competency-Based Education Model

It approach allows students to advance based on their ability to master a skill or competency at their own pace regardless of environment.

We have to know that  the most important characteristic of competency-based education is that it measures learning rather than time. Students progress by demonstrating their competence, which means they prove that they have mastered the knowledge and skills (called competencies) required for a particular course, regardless of how long it takes.

Resultado de imagen para Competency

The last activity that we realized in the classroom was, make a groups of 5, for  a research